Change log¶
Known issues¶
Version 0.4 Major upgrade¶
Major upgrade to simplify use and parameter in repose to user input. This has breaking changes, happy to help with transition. Tried to include all changes which affect use of parameters in this upgrade
Main new features¶
tutorials/how to notebooks to help with getting started ( in draft form).
“helper class” to build parameters without using dictionaries, using keyword arguments of two methods of helper class.
“spell checker” for param names and particle property names with suggestions
faster start up with improved grid outline builder
automatically determine hindcast file type from variables in the file, if reader class_name param not given
FVCOM and ROMS readers working
optional vertical dispersion from model vertical eddy viscosity profile.
If no particles active, will freerun until some are released, allows particles to be released for one season per year, with a max age, and run will skip between years
Only have conda install instructions
resuspension is core role which is always added to 3D runs (with critical fic. vel=0, by default), no longer need to add as trajectory modifier nor add a friction vel field
Known breaking changes- ask for help if needed to transition¶
new flatter parameter structure
solver sub-stepping replaced by time_step in seconds param
writer output step count replaced by update_interval time for writing
only use compact mode track file format, python and matlab code will still read/convert track data to rectangular output.
adding a resuspension trajectory modifier, or friction vel. field
Internal changes¶
reader uses ring buffer based on hindcast step mod buffer size, needed for shared reader development
Version 2023-01-03¶
New features¶
FVCOM reader built and passed tests so far
ROMS reade started but not workng
time variable grid data, eg zlevel, dry_cell flag have moved from from reader variables to reader.grid_time_buffers
non-varying grid data is shared memory amongst cases, no change to how grid variables are accessed
caserunner grid variables and buffers are built from reader_build_info, as step towards developing a shared reader
Version, Oct 04 2022¶
New features¶
#.?? internal rebuilt of buffered reader, as step towards using ring buffer needed for share reader
internal rebuilt of buffered reader, as step towards developing ring buffer for hindcast needed for share reader
grid variable now attached to reader, ie si.grid is now si.classes[‘reader’].grid
changed reading of hindcast variables to normally avoid temporary copies and be read direct into place to smooth out memory demand
by default x_last_good is no longer written to tracks file
Bug fixes¶
trapped error with warning if netcdf chunk size of tracks file variable is over 4gb
Version Sept 13 2022¶
New features¶
Added residence count particle statistic, counts number of particles still inside designated release polygon at given time inervals, . Can be used to find residence time with release polygon, eg residence time in an estuary. See new demo 10
in stats classes count_staus_equal_to and count_status_greater tha, replae by ‘count_status_in_range’ param, see github pages
post proceesing plot_heat_maps module now names plot_statistics
Bug fixes¶
Version Sept 6 2022¶
New features¶
3D water_velocity in bottom bin now uses loglayer interpolation (as in schisim), by adjusting fraction of cell to make linear vertical interp behave like log layer interp
- improved re-suspension physics
resuspension jump size, size is now based on friction velocity so varies with flow speed, eq 9.28 in book Lynch : particles in the coastal ocean
resuspension jump size is adjusted for terminal velocity/fall velocity
friction velocity is now a user field ( no longer a user particle_property, see below change) based on log layer in bottom cell velocity and z
Track animation colours dry cells, tracks_writer adds grid dry cell data to file, set tracks_writer param ‘write_dry_cell_index’ to false to stop writing dry cell data
class AddTerminalVelocity is now TerminalVelocity in module oceantracker.velocity_modifiers.terminal_velocity
friction velocity is now a custom field (no longer a particle property), to do resuspension user must now add friction_velocity to custom field parameter list,eg ‘fields’ : [{‘class_name’: ‘oceantracker.fields.friction_velocity.FrictionVelocity’}],
removed polygon release zmin, zmax params, added zrange param for both point and polygon releases, so 3D releases random in this range
tidied up particle release time span calc.
Bug fixes¶
divide by zero in depth cell search when grid has zero vertical thickness
fixed- could not read uncommented hgrid.gr3 files for open boundary data, can now read whether hgrid file is with or without trailing comments on lines giving
Version 30/7/22¶
New features¶
added ability to split track output files into blocks with given number of time steps per file
added individual timers to stats, events classes written to case info file
re ordered to ensue last time step is written to tracks files
Bug fixes¶
Version 0.2.774 20/7/22¶
New features¶
polygon release only releases into wet cells, not just those inside domain
added pages giving full most of default parameters for each class to doc
Restructured to move all core classes up one level and delete core dir
- changes to make dir names and class names match parameter names
folders interpolators now interpolator, affects class imports
folders readers now reader, affects user class imports
particle_velocity and velocity_modifiers param now velocity_modifiers
internally interp is now interpolator
Bug fixes¶
reintroduced a lost feature, that blocked movement of particles into dry cells
Version 0.2.772 11/7/22¶
Name changes for split and cull classes and module names
oceantracker_main is now just main and running is now just
move input_dir param from shared_params to a reader param
Version 0.2.768 01/7/2022¶
fixed bug in calculating depth average velocity, which meant it was zero and resupension would not happen for non zero critcal frict vel
created _base_reader and simplified reader as basis for making a structured grid reader
Version 0.2.760, 28/6/2022¶
bug fix: where velocity modifiers were not being used after restructure, eg terminal velocity
added open boundary condition, die on exit, for schism if hgrid file is available
split post_processing into two sub folders, plotting and readoutputfiles, ploting is now slit into subfiles, eg plot_tracks
plot_tracks, fraction_to_plot, has moved to reading of output data to become load_particle_track_vars(.., fraction_to_read=0.1)
particle status flags ‘stranded_Bytide’ is now ‘stranded_by_tide’, ‘stranded_onBottom’ is ‘on_bottom’, values also changed, 6. ‘stranded_by_tide’: 3, ‘on_bottom’: 6, to make it easier to set hierarchy of movement (this affects split status greater than a given value and “count_status_equal_to”),
To make it easier for user and future proof, status flags are now passed by name, not value, possible names are [‘unknown’, ‘notReleased’, ‘bad’, ‘outside_domain’, ‘dead’, ‘frozen’, ‘stranded_by_tide’, ‘on_bottom’, ‘moving’]
rebuilt tidal stranding to be based on total waterdepth < min_depth, code relating to dry cells, that was used for stranding, deleted
merged calaculate velocity by add_modifiers into solver core particle_velocity class now gone
sharedinfo.class_interators_dict is now sharedinfo.class_list_interators
brought field class, eg friction velocity, into line with initialize from parameters, as for all other classes
total water_depth feild added automatically, using zlevels if available, otherwise tide and water depth ( as schism “tide” is not always top zlevel in dry cells)
added shared_params[‘use_numpy_random_seed’] boolean, for testing only!
(not yet working in linux) ?? short version of long class names eg, ‘class_name’: ‘oceantracker.particle_release_groups.polygon_release.PolygonRelease’, with the oceantracker package can optionally use class name only, eg PolygonRelease, this requires
added ability for any class to add the fields or particle properties they need to operate
particle and other numba utilities have move to util subfolder of pariticle_properties, as have field util etc…
Version 0.2.751, 22/6/2022¶
Addition of triangle based concentrations fields required more uniform way for coding users to cite all classes by name, (as already done for particle and fields ) , so as to use their values in altering particle behaviour, so class referencing and iteration are now split - All classes can now be accessed by name through self.shared_info.classes , eg self.shared_info.classes[‘solver’] or self.shared_info.classes[‘particle_properties’][‘x’], - Classes which don’t require a name and none is give generic name “unnamed001” or unnamed002 etc based on the sequence they are added in parameters - The ability to iterate over sets of classes and sub sets of these classes is now separated to dicts contained in self.shared_info.class_interators, eg to iterate over different types of particle properties
Case numbering/sequence numbering/file names numbering, eg for class lists , eg stats, events, are now more intuitive 1 base, so first stats file has index 001, not 000, and plotting needs to use nsequence = 1 to get the first
Plotting heatmaps and concertation fields, can now gourad shade concentration fields, which requires as conversion from face to node values in the code
Param key ‘user_onfly_particle_statistics’ is now ‘particle_statistics’
Param key ‘user_derived_fields’ is now ‘fields’
“user” tags of folders and params were not needed from user perspective, so all are now gone
Added load_output_files.get_case_info_files_from_dir(dir_name) to load all case files in folder, with None for any missing cases, optionally can select one case, with first case is case=1
Note run_output_folder is deted are start of run, but using shared_param “add date to folder name” will persevere todays work in a folder tagged with date
All file and module names are lower case (to avoid issues where linux is not always case sensitive, as is git which is case insensitive to file names by default, but python is case sensitive) and Classes are camel case which is a python convention
Almost a full check on params is now done on start up before cases are spawned
Error/warning handling and recording mechanics have been rewritten from scratch
Plotting: animate_particles and plot_tracks now have fraction_to_plot, which only plots a randomly chosen fraction of the tracks