
Build oceantracker conda environment

To ensure python/ module compatibility, recommendation is to build a conda virtual environment with the given environment.yml file

Due to version dependencies of modules outside oceantracker, it curently only works with python 3.10 and numpy < 1.24, and not yet python 3.11

  1. Install

    Install/update anaconda or miniconda and git if not already available

  1. Change dir to where oceantracker files will be stored , eg. within

    cd  mycodedir

  2. Ensure git is installed, then

  3. Change dir to oceantracker folder, eg.

    cd ./oceantracker

  4. Either: Make conda environment from given file

This method is strongly recommended as it ensures version compatibility amongst python modules. This conda link is useful.

First open a conda prompt window, or in liunx a ordinary command window.

Note: In Windows may need to run conda prompt window as administrator to install packages.

From root dir of oceantracker package run

conda env create -f installing/environment.yml

Activate new environment

conda activate oceantracker

  1. Or : Manually build Conda environment

    conda create -n oceantracker python=3.10

    Note: Must use python version 3.10 (not 3.11 yet) and NumPy versions 1.21–1.23

    Activate new environment

    conda activate oceantracker

    Then install these packages

    conda install -c anacondanumpy

    conda install -c conda-forge numba

    conda install -c conda-forge netcdf4

    conda install -c anaconda scipy

    conda install -c conda-forge pyproj

    conda install -c anaconda pyyaml

    conda install -c anaconda psutil

    conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib

  1. Make oceantracker package findable

    From root dir of oceantracker

    pip install --no-deps -e .

  2. To add ability to make animation movies if needed

    conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg

  3. To work with iPython/Jupyter notebooks

    conda install -c anaconda ipykernel