Running using param. dict.

[This note-book is in oceantracker/tutorials_how_to/]

The earlier notebook showed how to set parameters and run using the helper class. Here we exploit the flexibility to run Oceantracker directly using a parameter dictionary built in code or read from a file.

Build param. dict. with code

The below extends the minimal_example, shows two ways to build a parameter dictionary and different ways to run OceanTracker, from code or command line.

# build a more complex dictionary of parameters using code
    'output_file_base' :'param_test1',      # name used as base for output files
    'root_output_dir':'output',             #  output is put in dir   'root_output_dir'/'output_file_base'
    'time_step' : 120,  #  2 min time step as seconds
    'reader':{'input_dir': '../demos/demo_hindcast',  # folder to search for hindcast files, sub-dirs will, by default, also be searched
                        'file_mask': 'demoHindcastSchism*.nc',    # the file mask of the hindcast files
    # add  release locations from two points,
    #       particle_release_groups are a list of one or more release groups
    #               (ie locations where particles are released at the same times and locations)
    'release_groups': {
            'my_release_point' :{'points':[[1595000, 5482600],
                                                [1599000, 5486200]],      # must be an N by 2 or 3 or list, convertible to a numpy array
                                'release_interval': 3600,           # seconds between releasing particles
                                'pulse_size': 10,                   # number of particles released each release_interval
            'my_polygon_release': {'class_name': 'oceantracker.release_groups.polygon_release.PolygonRelease', # use a polygon release
                                    'points':[   [1597682.1237, 5489972.7479],
                                                    [1598604.1667, 5490275.5488],
                                                    [1598886.4247, 5489464.0424],
                                                    [1597917.3387, 5489000],
                                                    [1597300, 5489000], [1597682.1237, 5489972.7479]],
                                    'release_interval': 7200,           # seconds between releasing particles
                                    'pulse_size': 20,                   # number of particles released each release_interval
    'resuspension' : {'critical_friction_velocity': .005}, # only re-suspend particles if friction vel. exceeds this value

    # velocity_modifiers are a set of velocities added to  water velocity give in  hydrodynamic model's
    'velocity_modifiers' : {   # here a fall velocity with given mean and variance is added to the computation
                                'fall_velocity': {'class_name' : 'oceantracker.velocity_modifiers.terminal_velocity.TerminalVelocity',
                                                    'value': -0.001,'variance': 0.0002}

# write params to build on for later examples
from oceantracker.util import json_util, yaml_util
json_util.write_JSON('./example_param_files/param_test1.json', params)
yaml_util.write_YAML('./example_param_files/param_test1.yaml', params)

Build param. dict. from template

Use a provided template, which pre-defines most top level parameters that can be used, then set required parameters using assignments. Reproducing the above in code…

from oceantracker import main

# repeat above using a template and set dict keys values by assignments
params = main.param_template()  # get a copy of the template

params['output_file_base'] ='param_test1'
params['root_output_dir']= 'output'             #  output is put in dir   'root_output_dir'/'output_file_base'
params['time_step']= 120  #  2 min time step as seconds
params['reader']['input_dir']= '../demos/demo_hindcast'  # folder to search for hindcast files, sub-dirs will, by default, also be searched
params['reader']['file_mask']= 'demoHindcastSchism*.nc'    # the file mask of the hindcast files

params['release_groups']['my_release_point'] = {
                                            'points':[[1595000, 5482600],
                                                   [1599000, 5486200]],      # must be an N by 2 or 3 or list, convertible to a numpy array
                                            'release_interval': 3600,           # seconds between releasing particles
                                            'pulse_size': 10,                   # number of particles released each release_interval
params['release_groups']['my_polygon_release'] = {
                                            'class_name': 'oceantracker.release_groups.polygon_release.PolygonRelease', # use a polygon release
                                            'points':[   [1597682.1237, 5489972.7479],
                                                        [1598604.1667, 5490275.5488],
                                                        [1598886.4247, 5489464.0424],
                                                        [1597917.3387, 5489000],
                                                        [1597300, 5489000], [1597682.1237, 5489972.7479]],
                                            'release_interval': 7200,           # seconds between releasing particles
                                            'pulse_size': 20,                   # number of particles released each release_interval
params['resuspension']['critical_friction_velocity']= .005

params['velocity_modifiers']['my_fall_velocity']= {   # here a fall velocity with given value and variance is added to the computation
                                                    'class_name' : 'oceantracker.velocity_modifiers.terminal_velocity.TerminalVelocity',
                                                     'value': -0.001,'variance': 0.0002
# show the full template as json
import json
print( json.dumps(params, indent=4))
    "add_date_to_run_output_dir": null,
    "backtracking": null,
    "block_dry_cells": null,
    "case_output_file_tag": null,
    "debug": null,
    "max_particles": null,
    "max_run_duration": null,
    "max_warnings": null,
    "minimum_total_water_depth": null,
    "multiprocessing_case_start_delay": null,
    "numba_function_cache_size": null,
    "open_boundary_type": null,
    "output_file_base": "param_test1",
    "processors": null,
    "profiler": null,
    "root_output_dir": "output",
    "run_as_depth_averaged": null,
    "screen_output_time_interval": null,
    "time_step": 120,
    "use_random_seed": null,
    "user_note": null,
    "write_output_files": null,
    "write_tracks": null,
    "z0": null,
    "dispersion": {},
    "field_group_manager": {},
    "interpolator": {},
    "particle_group_manager": {},
    "reader": {
        "input_dir": "../demos/demo_hindcast",
        "file_mask": "demoHindcastSchism*.nc"
    "resuspension": {
        "critical_friction_velocity": 0.005
    "solver": {},
    "tracks_writer": {},
    "event_loggers": {},
    "fields": {},
    "particle_concentrations": {},
    "particle_properties": {},
    "particle_statistics": {},
    "release_groups": {
        "my_release_point": {
            "points": [
            "release_interval": 3600,
            "pulse_size": 10
        "my_polygon_release": {
            "class_name": "oceantracker.release_groups.polygon_release.PolygonRelease",
            "points": [
            "release_interval": 7200,
            "pulse_size": 20
    "status_modifiers": {},
    "time_varying_info": {},
    "trajectory_modifiers": {},
    "velocity_modifiers": {
        "my_fall_velocity": {
            "class_name": "oceantracker.velocity_modifiers.terminal_velocity.TerminalVelocity",
            "mean": -0.001,
            "variance": 0.0002

### Show parameters in yaml format

yaml format has no brackets/braces and relies on tab indenting to nest items

# show the full template in yaml format
import yaml
print( yaml.dump(params))
add_date_to_run_output_dir: null
backtracking: null
block_dry_cells: null
case_output_file_tag: null
debug: null
dispersion: {}
event_loggers: {}
field_group_manager: {}
fields: {}
interpolator: {}
max_particles: null
max_run_duration: null
max_warnings: null
minimum_total_water_depth: null
multiprocessing_case_start_delay: null
numba_function_cache_size: null
open_boundary_type: null
output_file_base: param_test1
particle_concentrations: {}
particle_group_manager: {}
particle_properties: {}
particle_statistics: {}
processors: null
profiler: null
  file_mask: demoHindcastSchism*.nc
  input_dir: ../demos/demo_hindcast
    class_name: oceantracker.release_groups.polygon_release.PolygonRelease
    - - 1597682.1237
      - 5489972.7479
    - - 1598604.1667
      - 5490275.5488
    - - 1598886.4247
      - 5489464.0424
    - - 1597917.3387
      - 5489000
    - - 1597300
      - 5489000
    - - 1597682.1237
      - 5489972.7479
    pulse_size: 20
    release_interval: 7200
    - - 1595000
      - 5482600
    - - 1599000
      - 5486200
    pulse_size: 10
    release_interval: 3600
  critical_friction_velocity: 0.005
root_output_dir: output
run_as_depth_averaged: null
screen_output_time_interval: null
solver: {}
status_modifiers: {}
time_step: 120
time_varying_info: {}
tracks_writer: {}
trajectory_modifiers: {}
use_random_seed: null
user_note: null
    class_name: oceantracker.velocity_modifiers.terminal_velocity.TerminalVelocity
    mean: -0.001
    variance: 0.0002
write_output_files: null
write_tracks: null
z0: null

Run OceanTracker from parameters

There are several ways to run OceanTracker

  1. By coding

    • build parameters in code and run

    • or coding to read parameter file and then run

  2. Without coding

    • run from command line with parameter file which is built by editing a json/yaml text file


There are many ways to run the code, eg. with IDE like Pycharm, Visual Studio Code. It can also, as here, be run in iPython notebooks. However the way notebooks are implemented can sometimes result in issues:

  • errors when running Oceantracker a second time or other unexpected behavior, due to shared memory space, fix by reloading the kernel

  • if using note books on Windows, it is not possible to run Oceantracker cases in parallel, without a work around given in a later “how to”.

Run with code built params.

Is line below!

# run oceantracker using param dict built in cells above
from oceantracker import main

case_info_file_name =
# case_info file is the name of a json file useful in plotting results
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
main: OceanTracker- preliminary setup
main:      Python version: 3.10.9 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jan 11 2023, 15:15:40) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
main:   - found hydro-model files of type SCHISIM
main:       -  sorted hyrdo-model files in time order,        0.102 sec
main:     >>> Note: output is in dir= e:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputparam_test1
main:     >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user  are in "param_test1_raw_user_params.json"
C000: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
C000: Starting case number   0,  param_test1 at 2023-06-27T13:58:29.031855
C000: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
C000:       -  built node to triangles map,   0.814 sec
C000:       -  built triangle adjacency matrix,       0.272 sec
C000:       -  found boundary triangles,      0.000 sec
C000:       -  built domain and island outlines,      1.569 sec
C000:       -  calculated triangle areas,     0.000 sec
C000:   Finished grid setup
C000:       -  set up release_groups,         1.030 sec
C000:       -  built barycentric-transform matrix,    0.453 sec
C000:       -  initial set up of core classes,        0.471 sec
C000:       -  final set up of core classes,          0.001 sec
C000:       -  created particle properties derived from fields,       0.003 sec
C000: >>> Warning: When using a terminal velocity, ensure time step is small enough that vertical displacement is a small fraction of the water depth, ie vertical Courant number < 1
C000: >>> Note: No open boundaries requested, as run_params["open_boundary_type"] = 0
C000:       Hint: Requires list of open boundary nodes not in hydro model, eg for Schism this can be read from hgrid file to named in reader params and run_params["open_boundary_type"] = 1
C000: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
C000:   - Starting param_test1,  duration: 0 days 23 hrs 0 min 0 sec
C000:       -  Initialized Solver Class,      0.000 sec
C000: 00% step 0000:H0000b00-01 Day +00 00:00 2017-01-01 00:30:00: Rel.:      40: Active:00040 M:00040 S:00000  B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0040 -  0% step time = 6894.9 ms
C000:   - Reading-file-00, steps in file  24, steps  available 000:023, reading  24 of 48 steps,  for hydo-model time steps 00:23,  from file offsets 00:23,  into ring buffer offsets 000:023
C000:       -  read  24 time steps in  0.5 sec
C000:   - opening tracks output to :
C000: 04% step 0030:H0001b01-02 Day +00 01:00 2017-01-01 01:30:00: Rel.:      60: Active:00060 M:00054 S:00000  B:00006 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0060 -  0% step time = 3081.1 ms
C000: 09% step 0060:H0002b02-03 Day +00 02:00 2017-01-01 02:30:00: Rel.:     100: Active:00100 M:00092 S:00000  B:00008 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0100 -  0% step time = 61.6 ms
C000: 13% step 0090:H0003b03-04 Day +00 03:00 2017-01-01 03:30:00: Rel.:     120: Active:00120 M:00098 S:00011  B:00011 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0120 -  0% step time = 62.5 ms
C000: 17% step 0120:H0004b04-05 Day +00 04:00 2017-01-01 04:30:00: Rel.:     160: Active:00160 M:00130 S:00012  B:00018 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0160 -  0% step time = 62.6 ms
C000: 22% step 0150:H0005b05-06 Day +00 05:00 2017-01-01 05:30:00: Rel.:     180: Active:00180 M:00144 S:00013  B:00023 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0180 -  0% step time = 64.7 ms
C000: 26% step 0180:H0006b06-07 Day +00 06:00 2017-01-01 06:30:00: Rel.:     220: Active:00220 M:00177 S:00013  B:00030 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0220 -  0% step time = 66.8 ms
C000: 30% step 0210:H0007b07-08 Day +00 07:00 2017-01-01 07:30:00: Rel.:     240: Active:00240 M:00196 S:00012  B:00032 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0240 -  0% step time = 66.3 ms
C000: 35% step 0240:H0008b08-09 Day +00 08:00 2017-01-01 08:30:00: Rel.:     280: Active:00280 M:00216 S:00011  B:00053 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0280 -  0% step time = 67.2 ms
C000: 39% step 0270:H0009b09-10 Day +00 09:00 2017-01-01 09:30:00: Rel.:     300: Active:00300 M:00232 S:00000  B:00068 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0300 -  0% step time = 69.5 ms
C000: 43% step 0300:H0010b10-11 Day +00 10:00 2017-01-01 10:30:00: Rel.:     340: Active:00340 M:00246 S:00000  B:00094 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0340 -  0% step time = 69.8 ms
C000: 48% step 0330:H0011b11-12 Day +00 11:00 2017-01-01 11:30:00: Rel.:     360: Active:00360 M:00225 S:00000  B:00135 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0360 -  0% step time = 69.5 ms
C000: 52% step 0360:H0012b12-13 Day +00 12:00 2017-01-01 12:30:00: Rel.:     400: Active:00400 M:00266 S:00000  B:00134 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0400 -  0% step time = 70.7 ms
C000: 57% step 0390:H0012b12-13 Day +00 13:00 2017-01-01 13:30:00: Rel.:     420: Active:00420 M:00300 S:00004  B:00116 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0420 -  0% step time = 71.6 ms
C000: 61% step 0420:H0014b14-15 Day +00 14:00 2017-01-01 14:30:00: Rel.:     460: Active:00460 M:00328 S:00014  B:00118 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0460 -  0% step time = 72.5 ms
C000: 65% step 0450:H0015b15-16 Day +00 15:00 2017-01-01 15:30:00: Rel.:     480: Active:00480 M:00297 S:00062  B:00121 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0480 -  0% step time = 73.3 ms
C000: 70% step 0480:H0016b16-17 Day +00 16:00 2017-01-01 16:30:00: Rel.:     520: Active:00520 M:00285 S:00066  B:00169 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0520 -  0% step time = 71.6 ms
C000: 74% step 0510:H0017b17-18 Day +00 17:00 2017-01-01 17:30:00: Rel.:     540: Active:00540 M:00234 S:00076  B:00230 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0540 -  0% step time = 71.0 ms
C000: 78% step 0540:H0018b18-19 Day +00 18:00 2017-01-01 18:30:00: Rel.:     580: Active:00580 M:00326 S:00076  B:00178 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0580 -  0% step time = 71.5 ms
C000: 83% step 0570:H0019b19-20 Day +00 19:00 2017-01-01 19:30:00: Rel.:     600: Active:00600 M:00341 S:00073  B:00186 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0600 -  0% step time = 73.9 ms
C000: 87% step 0600:H0020b20-21 Day +00 20:00 2017-01-01 20:30:00: Rel.:     640: Active:00640 M:00390 S:00069  B:00181 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0640 -  0% step time = 75.1 ms
C000: 91% step 0630:H0021b21-22 Day +00 21:00 2017-01-01 21:30:00: Rel.:     660: Active:00660 M:00402 S:00014  B:00244 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0660 -  0% step time = 76.1 ms
C000: 96% step 0660:H0022b22-23 Day +00 22:00 2017-01-01 22:30:00: Rel.:     700: Active:00700 M:00356 S:00004  B:00340 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0700 -  0% step time = 75.2 ms
C000: 100% step 0689:H0022b22-23 Day +00 22:58 2017-01-01 23:28:00: Rel.:     700: Active:00700 M:00400 S:00000  B:00300 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:0700 -  0% step time = 75.0 ms
C000: >>> Note: No open boundaries requested, as run_params["open_boundary_type"] = 0
C000:       Hint: Requires list of open boundary nodes not in hydro model, eg for Schism this can be read from hgrid file to named in reader params and run_params["open_boundary_type"] = 1
C000: >>> Warning: When using a terminal velocity, ensure time step is small enough that vertical displacement is a small fraction of the water depth, ie vertical Courant number < 1
C000:   -  Triangle walk summary: Of  990,448 particles located  0, walks were too long and were retried,  of these  0 failed after retrying and were discarded
C000: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
C000:   - Finished case number   0,  param_test1 started: 2023-06-27 13:58:29.030855, ended: 2023-06-27 13:58:46.174430
C000:       Elapsed time =0:00:17.143575
C000: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
main:     >>> Note: run summary with case file names   "param_test1_runInfo.json"
main:     >>> Note: output is in dir= e:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputparam_test1
main:     >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user  are in "param_test1_raw_user_params.json"
main:     >>> Note: run summary with case file names   "param_test1_runInfo.json"
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
main: OceanTracker summary:  elapsed time =0:00:17.307615
main:       Cases -   0 errors,   1 warnings,   2 notes, check above
main:       Main  -   0 errors,   0 warnings,   3 notes, check above
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# plot animation of results
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from oceantracker.post_processing.plotting.plot_tracks import animate_particles
from oceantracker.post_processing.read_output_files import  load_output_files
from IPython.display import HTML # show animation in note book

# read particle track data into a dictionary using case_info_file_name
tracks = load_output_files.load_track_data(case_info_file_name)

ax= [1591000, 1601500, 5478500, 5491000]  # area to plot
# animate particles
anim = animate_particles(tracks, axis_lims=ax,title='Fall vel.+  re-sus., grey part. are on bottom when flows too weak to resuspend',
                         show_dry_cells=True, show_grid=True, show=False) # use ipython to show video, rather than matplotlib

# this is slow to build!

Run by reading param. file

Run from command line

Run without coding from command lin bu using a parameter file pre-built in a text editor.

From within an activated oceantracker conda environment, run command line below.

On Windows, do this within an anaconda/miniconda prompt window with an activated environment.

eg. run “” script in the oceantracker/oceantracker directory with command

python  ../oceantracker/ ./example_param_files/param_test1.json

Options when running at command line

These allow

  • redefining the input and output dirs given within parameter file, which may have been built for a different location

  • limiting the run duration or the number of parallel cases during testing

the full arguments are below

!python ../oceantracker/ -h
usage: [-h] [--input_dir INPUT_DIR]
                           [--root_output_dir ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR]
                           [--processors PROCESSORS] [--duration DURATION]
                           [--cases CASES] [-debug]

positional arguments:
  param_file            json or yaml file of input parameters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_dir INPUT_DIR
                        overrides dir for hindcast files given in param file
  --root_output_dir ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR
                        overrides root output dir given in param file
  --processors PROCESSORS
                        overrides number of processors in param file
  --duration DURATION   in seconds, overrides model duration in seconds of all
                        of cases, useful in testing
  --cases CASES         only runs first "cases" of the case_list, useful in
  -debug                gives better error information, but runs slower, eg
                        checks Numba array bounds