
Description: Release particles at random locations within given polygon. Points chosen are always inside the domain, also inside wet cells unless allow_release_in_dry_cells is True.

class_name: oceantracker.release_groups.polygon_release_water_depth_range.PolygonReleaseWaterDepthRange

File: oceantracker/release_groups/polygon_release_water_depth_range.py

Inheritance: PointRelease> PolygonRelease> PolygonReleaseWaterDepthRange


  • allow_release_in_dry_cells<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: Allow releases in cells which are currently dry, ie. either permanently dry or temporarily dry due to the tide.

    • default: False

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • class_name<class 'str'> <optional>

    Description: Class name as string A.B.C, used to import this class from python path

    • default: None

  • max_age<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Particles older than this age in seconds are culled,ie. status=dead, and removed from computation, very useful in reducing run time

    • default: None

    • min: 1.0

  • max_cycles_to_find_release_points<class 'int'> <optional>

    Description: Maximum number of cycles to search for acceptable release points, ie. inside domain, polygon etc

    • default: 50

    • min: 50

  • max_water_depth<class 'float'> <optional>
    • default: 1e+37

  • min_water_depth<class 'float'> <optional>
    • default: -1e+37

  • name<class 'str'> <optional>
    • default: None

  • pointsarray <isrequired>

    Description: Points making up the polygon as, N by 2 or 3 list of locations where particles are released. eg for 2D [[25,10],[23,2],....], must be convertible into N by 2 or 3 numpy array

    • default: []

    • list_contains_type: <class 'float'>

  • pulse_size<class 'int'> <optional>

    Description: Number of particles released in a single pulse, this number is released every release_interval.

    • default: 1

    • min: 1

  • release_duration<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Time in seconds particles are released for after they start being released, ie releases stop this time after first release.,an alternative to using “release_end_date”

    • default: None

    • min: 0.0

  • release_end_dateiso8601date <optional>

    Description: Date to stop releasing particles, ignored if release_duration give, must be an ISO date as string eg. “2017-01-01T00:30:00”

    • default: None

  • release_interval<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Time interval between released pulses. To release at only one time use release_interval=0.

    • default: 0.0

    • min: 0.0

    • units: sec

  • release_start_dateiso8601date <optional>

    Description: Must be an ISO date as string eg. “2017-01-01T00:30:00”

    • default: None

  • user_note<class 'str'> <optional>
    • default: None

  • user_polygonID<class 'int'> <optional>
    • default: 0

    • min: 0

  • user_release_groupID<class 'int'> <optional>

    Description: User given ID number for this group, held by each particle. This may differ from internally uses release_group_ID.

    • default: 0

  • user_release_group_name<class 'str'> <optional>

    Description: User given name/label to attached to this release groups to make it easier to distinguish.

    • default: None

  • z_range: <optional>

    Description: - z range = [zmin, zmax] to randomly release in 3D, overrides any given release z value

    • a list containing type: [<class 'float'>, <class 'int'>]

    • default list : []

    • can_be_empty_list: True

    • min_length: 2