
Top level settings/parameters


  • add_date_to_run_output_dir<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: Append the date to the output dir. name to help in keeping output from different runs separate

    • default: False

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • backtracking<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: Run model backwards in time

    • default: False

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • block_dry_cells<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: Block particles moving from wet to dry cells, ie. treat dry cells as if they are part of the lateral boundary

    • default: True

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • case_output_file_tag<class 'str'> <optional>

    Description: insert this tag into output files name for each case, for parallel runs this is set to C000, C001…

    • default: None

  • debug<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: Gives more useful numba code error messages

    • default: False

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • max_particles<class 'int'> <optional>

    Description: Maximum number of particles to release, useful in testing

    • default: 1000000000

    • min: 1

  • max_run_duration<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Maximum duration in seconds of model run, this sets a maximum, useful in testing

    • default: 31536000000

    • units: sec

  • max_warnings<class 'int'> <optional>

    Description: Number of warnings stored and written to output, useful in reducing file size when there are warnings at many time steps

    • default: 50

    • min: 0

  • minimum_total_water_depth<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Min. water depth used to decide if stranded by tide and which are dry cells to block particles from entering

    • default: 0.25

    • min: 0.0

    • units: m

  • multiprocessing_case_start_delay<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Delay start of each case run parallel, to reduce congestion reading first hydo-model file

    • default: None

    • min: 0.0

  • numba_function_cache_size<class 'int'> <optional>

    Description: Size of memory cache for compiled numba functions in kB?

    • default: 2048

    • min: 128

  • open_boundary_type<class 'int'> <optional>

    Description: new- open boundary behaviour, only current option=1 is disable particle, only works if open boundary nodes can be read or inferred from hydro-model, current schism using hgrid file, and inferred ROMS

    • default: 0

    • min: 0

    • max: 1

  • output_file_base<class 'str'> <optional>

    Description: The start/base of all output files and name of sub-dir of “root_output_dir” where output will be written

    • default: output_file_base

  • processors<class 'int'> <optional>

    Description: number of processors used, if > 1 then cases in the case_list run in parallel

    • default: None

    • min: 1

  • profiler<class 'str'> <optional>

    Description: Default oceantracker profiler, writes timings of decorated methods/functions to run/case_info file use of other profilers in development and requires additional installed modules

    • default: oceantracker

    • possible_values: ['none', 'oceantracker', 'cprofiler', 'line_profiler', 'scalene']

  • root_output_dir<class 'str'> <optional>

    Description: base dir for all output files

    • default: root_output_dir

  • run_as_depth_averaged<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: in development; Force a run using 2D velocity if available in files or to allow 3D hydro-model to be depth averaged on the fly to run faster

    • default: False

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • screen_output_time_interval<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Time in seconds between writing progress to the screen/log file

    • default: 3600.0

  • time_step<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Time step in seconds for all cases

    • default: None

    • min: 0.01

    • units: sec

  • use_random_seed<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: Makes results reproducible, only use for testing developments give the same results!

    • default: False

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • user_note<class 'str'> <optional>

    Description: Any run note to store in case info file

    • default: No user note

  • write_output_files<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: Set to False if no output files are to be written, eg. for output sent to web

    • default: True

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • write_tracks<class 'bool'> <optional>

    Description: Flag if “True” will write particle tracks to disk. For large runs and statistics done on the fly, is normally set to False to reduce output volumes

    • default: True

    • possible_values: [True, False]

  • z0<class 'float'> <optional>

    Description: Bottom roughness in meters, used for tolerance and log layer calcs.

    • default: 0.005

    • min: 0.0001

    • units: m