On-the-fly statistics¶
[This note-book is in oceantracker/tutorials_how_to/]
Scaling up particle numbers to millions will create large volumes of particle track data. Storing and analyzing these tracks is slow and rapidly becomes overwhelming. For example, building a heat map from a terabyte of particle tracks after a run has completed. Ocean tracker can build some particle statistics on the fly, without recording any particle tracks. This results in more manageable data volumes and analysis.
On-the-fly statistics record particle counts separately for each release group. It is also possible to subset the counts, ie only count particles which are stranded by the tide by designating a range of particle status values to count. Or, only count particles in a given vertical “z” range. Users can add multiple statistics, all calculated in from the same particles during the run. Eg. could add a particle statistic for each status type, for different depth ranges.
Statistics can be read, plotted or animated with OceanTrackers post-processing code, see below
The available “particle_statistics” classes with their individual settings are at …. add link
Currently there are two main classes of 2D particle statistics “gridded” which counts particles inside cells of a regular grid, and “polygon” which counts particles in a given list of polygons.
The user can add many particle statistics classes, all based on the same particles. For both types it is possible to only count a subset of these particles, by setting a min. and/or max status to count, or setting a min. and/or max. “z”, the vertical location. So could add several statistics classes, each counting particles in different layers, or classes to separately count those moving and those on the bottom hoping to be re-suspended.
Gridded statistics¶
These are heat maps of counts binned into cells of a regular grid. Along with heat maps of particle counts, users can optionally build a heat maps of named particle properties, eg. the value decaying particle property. To ensure the heat map grids are not too large or too coarse, by default grids are centred on each release group, thus there are different grid locations for each release group.
Polygon statistics¶
These particle counts can be used to calculate the connectivity between each release group and a user given list of “statistics” polygons. Also, used to estimate the influence of each release group on a particle property with each given statistics polygon. Polygon statistics count the particles from each point or polygon release within each statistics polygons. The statistics polygons are are completely independent of the polygons that might be used in any polygon release (they can be the same if the user gives both the same point coordinates). A special case of a polygon statistic, is the “residence_time” class, which can be used to calculate the fraction of particles from each release group remaining within each statistics polygon at each ‘update_interval’ as one way to estimate particle residence time for each release group.
Particle property statistics¶
Both types of statistics can also record sums of user designated particle properties within each given grid cell or statistics polygon, which originate from each release group. These sums enabling mean values of designated particle properties within each grid cell or polygon to be calculated. They can also be used to estimate the relative influence of each release group on the value of a particle property within each given grid cell or polygon.
A future version with allow estimating the variance of the designated property values and particle counts in each grid cell or polygon, for each release group.
Gridded/Heat map example¶
The below uses the helper class method to extends the minimal_example to add
Decaying particle property, eg. breakdown of a pollutant
Gridded time series of particle statistics as heat maps, which also builds a heat map of the pollutant
Plot the particle counts and pollutant as animated heatmap.
# Gridded Statistics example.py using class helper method
from oceantracker.main import OceanTracker
# make instance of oceantracker to use to set parameters using code, then run
ot = OceanTracker()
# ot.settings method use to set basic settings
ot.settings(output_file_base='heat_map_example', # name used as base for output files
root_output_dir='output', # output is put in dir 'root_output_dir'\\'output_file_base'
time_step= 600., # 10 min time step as seconds
write_tracks = False # particle tracks not needed for on fly
# ot.set_class, sets parameters for a named class
ot.add_class('reader',input_dir= '../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D', # folder to search for hindcast files, sub-dirs will, by default, also be searched
file_mask= 'demo_hindcast_schisim3D*.nc') # hindcast file mask
# add one release locations
name='my_release_point', # optional name used to refere to group in plotting
points= [ [1599000, 5486200]], # ust be 1 by N list pairs of release locations
release_interval= 900, # seconds between releasing particles
pulse_size= 1000, # number of particles released each release_interval
# add a decaying particle property
# add and Age decay particle property, with exponential decay based on age, with time scale 1 hour
ot.add_class('particle_properties', # add a new property to particle_properties role
name ='a_pollutant', # must have a user given name to
class_name='oceantracker.particle_properties.age_decay.AgeDecay', # class_role is resuspension
initial_value= 1000,
decay_time_scale = 3600.) # time scale of age decay ie decays initial_value* exp(-age/decay_time_scale)
# add a gridded particle statistic
name = 'my_heatmap',
class_name= 'oceantracker.particle_statistics.gridded_statistics.GriddedStats2D_timeBased',
# the below settings are optional
update_interval = 900, # time interval in sec, between doing particle statists counts
particle_property_list = ['a_pollutant'], # request a heat map for the decaying part. prop. added above
status_min ='moving', # only count the particles which are moving
z_min =-2., # only count particles at locations above z=-2m
grid_size= [120, 121] # number of east and north cells in the heat map
# run oceantracker
case_info_file_name = ot.run()
helper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- helper Starting OceanTracker helper class helper - Starting run using helper class Main Python version: 3.10.9 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jan 11 2023, 15:15:40) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Main OceanTracker starting main: Main Starting package set up Main - Built OceanTracker package tree, 0.566 sec Main - Built OceanTracker sort name map, 0.000 sec Main - Done package set up to setup ClassImporter, 0.566 sec Main >>> Warning: Deleted contents of existing output dir Main Output is in dir "f:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputheat_map_example" Main hint: see for copies of screen output and user supplied parameters, plus all other output Main >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user are in "user_given_params.json" Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Main OceanTracker version 0.50.0010-2024-03-30 - preliminary setup Main - Found input dir "../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D" Main - found hydro-model files of type "SCHISM" Main Cataloging hindcast with 1 files in dir ../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D Main - Cataloged hydro-model files/variables in time order, 0.007 sec Main >>> Note: No bottom_stress variable in in hydro-files, using near seabed velocity to calculate friction_velocity for resuspension Main - sorted hyrdo-model files in time order, 0.033 sec prelim: Starting package set up prelim: - Built OceanTracker package tree, 0.010 sec prelim: - Built OceanTracker sort name map, 0.000 sec prelim: - Done package set up to setup ClassImporter, 0.010 sec C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 Starting case number 0, heat_map_example at 2024-09-06T07:36:22.428531 C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 - Scanned OceanTracker to build short name map to the full class_names, 0.000 sec C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model is "3D" type "SCHISMreaderNCDF" C000 hint: Files found dir and sub-dirs of "../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D" C000 Start: 2017-01-01T00:30:00.000000000 end: 2017-01-01T23:30:00.000000000, time steps 24 C000 grid bounding box = [1589789.0 5479437.0] to [1603398.0 5501640.0] C000 - Starting grid setup C000 - built node to triangles map, 0.421 sec C000 - built triangle adjacency matrix, 0.149 sec C000 - found boundary triangles, 0.000 sec C000 - built domain and island outlines, 0.912 sec C000 - calculated triangle areas, 0.000 sec C000 - Finished grid setup C000 - built barycentric-transform matrix, 0.252 sec C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model grid in metres, all cords should be in meters, e.g. release group locations, gridded_stats grid C000 - Setup field group manager, 0.255 sec C000 - Added release groups and found run start and end times, 0.001 sec C000 - Done initial setup of all classes, 0.294 sec C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model grid in metres, all cords should be in meters, e.g. release group locations, gridded_stats grid C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 - Starting heat_map_example, duration: 0 days 23 hrs 0 min 0 sec C000 - Reading 24 time steps, for hindcast time steps 00:23, into ring buffer offsets 000:023 C000 - read 24 time steps in 0.8 sec C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 - Starting time stepping: 2017-01-01T00:30:00 to 2017-01-01T23:30:00 , duration 0 days 23 hrs 0 min 0 sec C000 00% step 0000:H0000b00-01 Day +00 00:00 2017-01-01 00:30:00: Rel.: 1,000: Active:01000 M:01000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:1000 0% step time = 4424.9 ms C000 04% step 0006:H0001b01-02 Day +00 01:00 2017-01-01 01:30:00: Rel.: 4,000: Active:04000 M:04000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:4000 1% step time = 1.7 ms C000 09% step 0012:H0002b02-03 Day +00 02:00 2017-01-01 02:30:00: Rel.: 7,000: Active:07000 M:07000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:7000 1% step time = 1.9 ms C000 13% step 0018:H0003b03-04 Day +00 03:00 2017-01-01 03:30:00: Rel.: 10,000: Active:10000 M:09999 S:00000 B:00001 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:10000 2% step time = 2.2 ms C000 17% step 0024:H0004b04-05 Day +00 04:00 2017-01-01 04:30:00: Rel.: 13,000: Active:13000 M:13000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:13000 3% step time = 2.6 ms C000 22% step 0030:H0005b05-06 Day +00 05:00 2017-01-01 05:30:00: Rel.: 16,000: Active:16000 M:15999 S:00000 B:00001 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:16000 3% step time = 2.7 ms C000 26% step 0036:H0006b06-07 Day +00 06:00 2017-01-01 06:30:00: Rel.: 19,000: Active:19000 M:18999 S:00000 B:00001 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:19000 4% step time = 2.9 ms C000 30% step 0042:H0007b07-08 Day +00 07:00 2017-01-01 07:30:00: Rel.: 22,000: Active:22000 M:21991 S:00000 B:00009 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:22000 4% step time = 3.1 ms C000 35% step 0048:H0008b08-09 Day +00 08:00 2017-01-01 08:30:00: Rel.: 25,000: Active:25000 M:24981 S:00000 B:00019 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:25000 5% step time = 4.8 ms C000 39% step 0054:H0009b09-10 Day +00 09:00 2017-01-01 09:30:00: Rel.: 28,000: Active:28000 M:27985 S:00000 B:00015 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:28000 6% step time = 4.1 ms C000 43% step 0060:H0010b10-11 Day +00 10:00 2017-01-01 10:30:00: Rel.: 31,000: Active:31000 M:30983 S:00000 B:00017 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:31000 6% step time = 4.7 ms C000 48% step 0066:H0011b11-12 Day +00 11:00 2017-01-01 11:30:00: Rel.: 34,000: Active:34000 M:33991 S:00000 B:00009 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:34000 7% step time = 5.1 ms C000 52% step 0072:H0012b12-13 Day +00 12:00 2017-01-01 12:30:00: Rel.: 37,000: Active:37000 M:36991 S:00000 B:00009 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:37000 7% step time = 4.5 ms C000 57% step 0078:H0012b12-13 Day +00 13:00 2017-01-01 13:30:00: Rel.: 40,000: Active:40000 M:39989 S:00000 B:00011 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:40000 8% step time = 4.8 ms C000 61% step 0084:H0014b14-15 Day +00 14:00 2017-01-01 14:30:00: Rel.: 43,000: Active:43000 M:42992 S:00001 B:00007 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:43000 9% step time = 4.9 ms C000 65% step 0090:H0015b15-16 Day +00 15:00 2017-01-01 15:30:00: Rel.: 46,000: Active:46000 M:45989 S:00008 B:00003 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:46000 9% step time = 5.8 ms C000 70% step 0096:H0016b16-17 Day +00 16:00 2017-01-01 16:30:00: Rel.: 49,000: Active:49000 M:48991 S:00008 B:00001 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:49000 10% step time = 5.8 ms C000 74% step 0102:H0017b17-18 Day +00 17:00 2017-01-01 17:30:00: Rel.: 52,000: Active:52000 M:51991 S:00008 B:00001 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:52000 10% step time = 6.3 ms C000 78% step 0108:H0018b18-19 Day +00 18:00 2017-01-01 18:30:00: Rel.: 55,000: Active:55000 M:54991 S:00008 B:00001 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:55000 11% step time = 6.2 ms C000 83% step 0114:H0019b19-20 Day +00 19:00 2017-01-01 19:30:00: Rel.: 58,000: Active:58000 M:57992 S:00008 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:58000 12% step time = 6.3 ms C000 87% step 0120:H0020b20-21 Day +00 20:00 2017-01-01 20:30:00: Rel.: 61,000: Active:61000 M:60989 S:00008 B:00003 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:61000 12% step time = 6.8 ms C000 91% step 0126:H0021b21-22 Day +00 21:00 2017-01-01 21:30:00: Rel.: 64,000: Active:64000 M:63992 S:00000 B:00008 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:64000 13% step time = 7.3 ms C000 96% step 0132:H0022b22-23 Day +00 22:00 2017-01-01 22:30:00: Rel.: 67,000: Active:67000 M:66992 S:00000 B:00008 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:67000 13% step time = 7.7 ms C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 100% step 0138:H0023b23-00 Day +00 23:00 2017-01-01 23:30:00: Rel.: 69,000: Active:69000 M:68997 S:00000 B:00003 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:69000 14% step time = 72.4 ms C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model is "3D" type "SCHISMreaderNCDF" C000 hint: Files found dir and sub-dirs of "../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D" C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model grid in metres, all cords should be in meters, e.g. release group locations, gridded_stats grid C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model grid in metres, all cords should be in meters, e.g. release group locations, gridded_stats grid C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 - Finished case number 0, heat_map_example started: 2024-09-06 07:36:22.428531, ended: 2024-09-06 07:36:33.784928 C000 Computational time =0:00:11.356397 C000 --- End case 0 ------------------------------------------------------- End --- Summary ---------------------------------------------------------- End >>> Note: Run summary with case file names in "*_runInfo.json" End >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user are in "user_given_params.json" End >>> Note: No bottom_stress variable in in hydro-files, using near seabed velocity to calculate friction_velocity for resuspension End >>> Note: Run summary with case file names in "*_runInfo.json" End >>> Warning: Deleted contents of existing output dir End ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End OceanTracker summary: elapsed time =0:00:11.968494 End Cases - 0 errors, 0 warnings, 3 notes, check above End Main - 0 errors, 1 warnings, 3 notes, check above End Output in f:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputheat_map_example End ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Read and plot heat maps¶
The statistics output from the above run is in file output:raw-latex:heat_map_example:raw-latex:heat_map_example_stats_gridded_time_my_heatmap.nc
This netcdf file can be read and organized as a python dictionary by directly with read_ncdf_output_files.read_stats_file.
To plot use, load_output_files.load_stats_data, which also loads grid etc for plotting
# read stats files
from read_oceantracker.python import read_ncdf_output_files, load_output_files
from plot_oceantracker import plot_statistics
from IPython.display import HTML
# basic read of net cdf
raw_stats = read_ncdf_output_files.read_stats_file('./output/heat_map_example/heat_map_example_stats_gridded_time_0_my_heatmap.nc')
print('raw_stats', raw_stats.keys())
# better, load netcdf plus grid and other data useful in plotting
# uses case_info name returned from run above
stats_data = load_output_files.load_stats_data(case_info_file_name,'my_heatmap')
# use stats_data variable to plot heat map at last time step, by default plots var= "count"
ax= [1591000, 1601500, 5478500, 5491000]
anim= plot_statistics.animate_heat_map(stats_data, release_group='my_release_point', axis_lims=ax,
heading='Particle count heatmap built on the fly, no tracks recorded', fps=1)
HTML(anim.to_html5_video())# this is slow to build!
# animate the pollutant
anim= plot_statistics.animate_heat_map(stats_data, var='a_pollutant',release_group= 'my_release_point', axis_lims=ax,
heading='Decaying particle property , a_pollutant built on the fly, no tracks recorded', fps=1)
HTML(anim.to_html5_video())# this is slow to build!
# static heat map
plot_statistics.plot_heat_map(stats_data, var='a_pollutant',release_group= 'my_release_point', axis_lims=ax, heading='a_pollutant at last time step depth built on the fly, no tracks recorded')
raw_stats dict_keys(['total_num_particles_released', 'dimensions', 'limits', 'variable_attributes', 'grid_cell_area', 'num_released_total', 'time', 'x', 'y', 'count', 'number_released_each_release_group', 'count_all_particles', 'sum_a_pollutant', 'global_attributes', 'time_var', 'date', 'stats_type', 'connectivity_matrix', 'a_pollutant'])
stats dict_keys(['total_num_particles_released', 'dimensions', 'limits', 'variable_attributes', 'grid_cell_area', 'num_released_total', 'time', 'x', 'y', 'count', 'number_released_each_release_group', 'count_all_particles', 'sum_a_pollutant', 'global_attributes', 'time_var', 'date', 'stats_type', 'connectivity_matrix', 'a_pollutant', 'particle_status_flags', 'particle_release_groups', 'grid'])
animate_heat_map> colour axis limits [0, 1146] [0, 1146]

animate_heat_map> colour axis limits [1.026187963170189e-07, 1000.0] [1.026187963170189e-07, 1000.0]



Polygon example¶
add polygon stats example with plotting¶
# Polygon Statistics example.py run using dictionary of parameters
# make instance of oceantracker to use to set parameters using code, then run
ot = OceanTracker()
# ot.settings method use to set basic settings
ot.settings(output_file_base='heat_map_example', # name used as base for output files
root_output_dir='output', # output is put in dir 'root_output_dir'\\'output_file_base'
time_step= 600., # 10 min time step as seconds
write_tracks = False # particle tracks not needed for on fly
# ot.set_class, sets parameters for a named class
ot.add_class('reader',input_dir= '../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D', # folder to search for hindcast files, sub-dirs will, by default, also be searched
file_mask= 'demo_hindcast_schisim3D*.nc') # hindcast file mask
# add one release locations
name='my_release_point', # optional name used to refere to group in plotting
points= [ [1599000, 5486200]], # ust be 1 by N list pairs of release locations
release_interval= 900, # seconds between releasing particles
pulse_size= 1000, # number of particles released each release_interval
# add a decaying particle property
# add and Age decay particle property, with exponential decay based on age, with time scale 1 hour
ot.add_class('particle_properties', # add a new property to particle_properties role
name ='a_pollutant', # must have a user given name to
class_name='oceantracker.particle_properties.age_decay.AgeDecay', # class_role is resuspension
initial_value= 1000,
decay_time_scale = 3600.) # time scale of age decay ie decays initial_value* exp(-age/decay_time_scale)
# add a gridded particle statistic
class_name= 'PolygonStats2D_timeBased',
polygon_list = [
dict(points= [ [1597682.1237, 5489972.7479],# list of one or more polygons
[1598604.1667, 5490275.5488],
[1598886.4247, 5489464.0424],
[1597917.3387, 5489000],
[1597300, 5489000], [1597682.1237, 5489972.7479]]
# run oceantracker
poly_case_info_file_name = ot.run()
helper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- helper Starting OceanTracker helper class helper - Starting run using helper class Main Python version: 3.10.9 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jan 11 2023, 15:15:40) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Main OceanTracker starting main: Main Starting package set up Main - Built OceanTracker package tree, 0.011 sec Main - Built OceanTracker sort name map, 0.000 sec Main - Done package set up to setup ClassImporter, 0.012 sec Main >>> Warning: Deleted contents of existing output dir Main Output is in dir "f:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputheat_map_example" Main hint: see for copies of screen output and user supplied parameters, plus all other output Main >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user are in "user_given_params.json" Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Main OceanTracker version 0.50.0010-2024-03-30 - preliminary setup Main - Found input dir "../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D" Main - found hydro-model files of type "SCHISM" Main Cataloging hindcast with 1 files in dir ../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D Main - Cataloged hydro-model files/variables in time order, 0.008 sec Main >>> Note: No bottom_stress variable in in hydro-files, using near seabed velocity to calculate friction_velocity for resuspension Main - sorted hyrdo-model files in time order, 0.022 sec prelim: Starting package set up prelim: - Built OceanTracker package tree, 0.011 sec prelim: - Built OceanTracker sort name map, 0.000 sec prelim: - Done package set up to setup ClassImporter, 0.011 sec C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 Starting case number 0, heat_map_example at 2024-09-06T07:54:20.095814 C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 - Scanned OceanTracker to build short name map to the full class_names, 0.000 sec C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model is "3D" type "SCHISMreaderNCDF" C000 hint: Files found dir and sub-dirs of "../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D" C000 Start: 2017-01-01T00:30:00.000000000 end: 2017-01-01T23:30:00.000000000, time steps 24 C000 grid bounding box = [1589789.0 5479437.0] to [1603398.0 5501640.0] C000 - Starting grid setup C000 - built node to triangles map, 0.000 sec C000 - built triangle adjacency matrix, 0.000 sec C000 - found boundary triangles, 0.000 sec C000 - built domain and island outlines, 0.376 sec C000 - calculated triangle areas, 0.000 sec C000 - Finished grid setup C000 - built barycentric-transform matrix, 0.000 sec C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model grid in metres, all cords should be in meters, e.g. release group locations, gridded_stats grid C000 - Setup field group manager, 0.003 sec C000 - Added release groups and found run start and end times, 0.001 sec C000 - Done initial setup of all classes, 0.557 sec C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model grid in metres, all cords should be in meters, e.g. release group locations, gridded_stats grid C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 - Starting heat_map_example, duration: 0 days 23 hrs 0 min 0 sec C000 - Reading 24 time steps, for hindcast time steps 00:23, into ring buffer offsets 000:023 C000 - read 24 time steps in 0.2 sec C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 - Starting time stepping: 2017-01-01T00:30:00 to 2017-01-01T23:30:00 , duration 0 days 23 hrs 0 min 0 sec C000 00% step 0000:H0000b00-01 Day +00 00:00 2017-01-01 00:30:00: Rel.: 1,000: Active:01000 M:01000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:1000 0% step time = 261.4 ms C000 04% step 0006:H0001b01-02 Day +00 01:00 2017-01-01 01:30:00: Rel.: 4,000: Active:04000 M:04000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:4000 1% step time = 1.5 ms C000 09% step 0012:H0002b02-03 Day +00 02:00 2017-01-01 02:30:00: Rel.: 7,000: Active:07000 M:07000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:7000 1% step time = 1.7 ms C000 13% step 0018:H0003b03-04 Day +00 03:00 2017-01-01 03:30:00: Rel.: 10,000: Active:10000 M:10000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:10000 2% step time = 2.0 ms C000 17% step 0024:H0004b04-05 Day +00 04:00 2017-01-01 04:30:00: Rel.: 13,000: Active:13000 M:13000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:13000 3% step time = 2.3 ms C000 22% step 0030:H0005b05-06 Day +00 05:00 2017-01-01 05:30:00: Rel.: 16,000: Active:16000 M:15999 S:00000 B:00001 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:16000 3% step time = 2.6 ms C000 26% step 0036:H0006b06-07 Day +00 06:00 2017-01-01 06:30:00: Rel.: 19,000: Active:19000 M:19000 S:00000 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:19000 4% step time = 2.9 ms C000 30% step 0042:H0007b07-08 Day +00 07:00 2017-01-01 07:30:00: Rel.: 22,000: Active:22000 M:21994 S:00000 B:00006 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:22000 4% step time = 3.2 ms C000 35% step 0048:H0008b08-09 Day +00 08:00 2017-01-01 08:30:00: Rel.: 25,000: Active:25000 M:24981 S:00000 B:00019 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:25000 5% step time = 3.6 ms C000 39% step 0054:H0009b09-10 Day +00 09:00 2017-01-01 09:30:00: Rel.: 28,000: Active:28000 M:27990 S:00000 B:00010 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:28000 6% step time = 3.8 ms C000 43% step 0060:H0010b10-11 Day +00 10:00 2017-01-01 10:30:00: Rel.: 31,000: Active:31000 M:30991 S:00000 B:00009 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:31000 6% step time = 4.1 ms C000 48% step 0066:H0011b11-12 Day +00 11:00 2017-01-01 11:30:00: Rel.: 34,000: Active:34000 M:33986 S:00000 B:00014 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:34000 7% step time = 4.4 ms C000 52% step 0072:H0012b12-13 Day +00 12:00 2017-01-01 12:30:00: Rel.: 37,000: Active:37000 M:36986 S:00000 B:00014 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:37000 7% step time = 4.7 ms C000 57% step 0078:H0012b12-13 Day +00 13:00 2017-01-01 13:30:00: Rel.: 40,000: Active:40000 M:39992 S:00000 B:00008 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:40000 8% step time = 5.2 ms C000 61% step 0084:H0014b14-15 Day +00 14:00 2017-01-01 14:30:00: Rel.: 43,000: Active:43000 M:42990 S:00000 B:00010 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:43000 9% step time = 5.2 ms C000 65% step 0090:H0015b15-16 Day +00 15:00 2017-01-01 15:30:00: Rel.: 46,000: Active:46000 M:45973 S:00021 B:00006 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:46000 9% step time = 5.6 ms C000 70% step 0096:H0016b16-17 Day +00 16:00 2017-01-01 16:30:00: Rel.: 49,000: Active:49000 M:48974 S:00021 B:00005 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:49000 10% step time = 5.9 ms C000 74% step 0102:H0017b17-18 Day +00 17:00 2017-01-01 17:30:00: Rel.: 52,000: Active:52000 M:51979 S:00021 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:52000 10% step time = 6.7 ms C000 78% step 0108:H0018b18-19 Day +00 18:00 2017-01-01 18:30:00: Rel.: 55,000: Active:55000 M:54976 S:00021 B:00003 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:55000 11% step time = 6.3 ms C000 83% step 0114:H0019b19-20 Day +00 19:00 2017-01-01 19:30:00: Rel.: 58,000: Active:58000 M:57979 S:00021 B:00000 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:58000 12% step time = 6.5 ms C000 87% step 0120:H0020b20-21 Day +00 20:00 2017-01-01 20:30:00: Rel.: 61,000: Active:61000 M:60976 S:00021 B:00003 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:61000 12% step time = 6.7 ms C000 91% step 0126:H0021b21-22 Day +00 21:00 2017-01-01 21:30:00: Rel.: 64,000: Active:64000 M:63989 S:00000 B:00011 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:64000 13% step time = 7.1 ms C000 96% step 0132:H0022b22-23 Day +00 22:00 2017-01-01 22:30:00: Rel.: 67,000: Active:67000 M:66991 S:00000 B:00009 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:67000 13% step time = 7.2 ms C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 - Reading 1 time steps, for hindcast time steps 23:23, into ring buffer offsets 023:023 C000 - read 1 time steps in 0.0 sec C000 100% step 0138:H0023b23-00 Day +00 23:00 2017-01-01 23:30:00: Rel.: 69,000: Active:69000 M:68990 S:00000 B:00010 D:000 O:00 N:000 Buffer:69000 14% step time = 75.6 ms C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model is "3D" type "SCHISMreaderNCDF" C000 hint: Files found dir and sub-dirs of "../demos/demo_hindcast/schsim3D" C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model grid in metres, all cords should be in meters, e.g. release group locations, gridded_stats grid C000 >>> Note: Hydro-model grid in metres, all cords should be in meters, e.g. release group locations, gridded_stats grid C000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C000 - Finished case number 0, heat_map_example started: 2024-09-06 07:54:20.080795, ended: 2024-09-06 07:54:24.432799 C000 Computational time =0:00:04.352004 C000 --- End case 0 ------------------------------------------------------- End --- Summary ---------------------------------------------------------- End >>> Note: Run summary with case file names in "*_runInfo.json" End >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user are in "user_given_params.json" End >>> Note: No bottom_stress variable in in hydro-files, using near seabed velocity to calculate friction_velocity for resuspension End >>> Note: Run summary with case file names in "*_runInfo.json" End >>> Warning: Deleted contents of existing output dir End ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End OceanTracker summary: elapsed time =0:00:04.390589 End Cases - 0 errors, 0 warnings, 3 notes, check above End Main - 0 errors, 1 warnings, 3 notes, check above End Output in f:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputheat_map_example End ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Read polygon/connectivity statistics¶
#Read polygon stats and calculate connectivity matrix
from read_oceantracker.python import load_output_files
poly_stats_data = load_output_files.load_stats_data(poly_case_info_file_name,'my_polygon')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(poly_stats_data['date'], poly_stats_data['connectivity_matrix'][:,0,0])
plt.title('Connectivity time series between release point and polygon')
stats dict_keys(['total_num_particles_released', 'dimensions', 'limits', 'variable_attributes', 'num_released_total', 'time', 'count', 'number_released_each_release_group', 'count_all_particles', 'global_attributes', 'time_var', 'date', 'stats_type', 'polygon_list', 'connectivity_matrix', 'particle_status_flags', 'particle_release_groups', 'grid'])
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Connectivity time series between release point and polygon')

Time verses Age statistics¶
Both gridded and polygon statistics come in two types, “time” and “age”.
“time” statistics are time series, or snapshots, of particle numbers and particle properties at a time interval given by “calculation_interval” parameter. Eg. gridded stats showing how the heat map of a source’s plume evolves over time.
“age” statistics are particle counts and properties binned by particle age. The result are age based histograms of counts or particle proprieties. This is useful to give numbers in each age band arriving at a given grid cell or polygon, from each release group. Eg. counting how many larvae are old enough to settle in a polygon or grid cell from each potential source location.