Run in parallel

[This note-book is in oceantracker/tutorials_how_to/]

Running in parallel can be done using the “run with parameter dict.” approach, or the helper class method. Both build a base_case, which is the parameter defaults for each case, plus a list of “cases” parameters specific to each parallel case. The output files for each case will be tagged with a case number, 0-n. The number of computationally active cases is be limited to be one less than the number of physical processes available.

The cases can be different, eg. have different release groups etc. A small number of settings must be the same for all cases, eg. setting “root_output_folder” must be the same for all cases. These settings will be taken from the base case. Warnings are given if trying to use different values within case parameters.

Is is strongly recommend to run parallel cases from within a python script, rather than notebooks which have limitations in Windows and may result in errors.

Note: For large runs, memory to store the hindcast for each case may cause an error. To work around this, reduce the size of the hindcast buffer, (“reader” class parameter “time_buffer_size”), or reduce the number of processors (setting “processors”).

Example parallel release groups

The below example runs a separate release group as its own parallel “case”.

To run in parallel on windows requires the run to be within a if name == ‘main’ block. iPython note books ignores if name == ‘main’ statements, thus the below may not run when within a notebook in windows. Use in notebooks also frequently gives “file in use by another process” errors.

To avoid this run parallel case as a script, eg. code in file “oceantracker/tutorials_how_to/”.

Run parallel with helper class

# run in parallel using helper class method
from oceantracker.main import OceanTracker

ot = OceanTracker()
# setup base case
# by default settings and classes are added to base case
ot.settings(output_file_base= 'parallel_test2',      # name used as base for output files
    root_output_dir='output',             #  output is put in dir   'root_output_dir'/'output_file_base'
    time_step = 120,  #  2 min time step as seconds

            input_dir='../demos/demo_hindcast',  # folder to search for hindcast files, sub-dirs will, by default, also be searched
            file_mask= 'demoHindcastSchism*.nc',    # the file mask of the hindcast files

# now put a release group with one point into case list
# define the required release  points
points = [  [1597682.1237, 5489972.7479],
            [1598604.1667, 5490275.5488],
            [1598886.4247, 5489464.0424],
            [1597917.3387, 5489000],

# build a list of params for each case, with one release group fot each point
for n, p in enumerate(points):
    # add a release group with one point to case "n"
                name ='mypoint'+str(n),
                points= [p],  # needs to be 1, by 2 list for single 2D point
                release_interval= 3600,           # seconds between releasing particles
                pulse_size= 10,                   # number of particles released each release_interval
                case=n) # this adds release group to the nth case to run in //

# to run parallel in windows, must put run  call  inside the below "if __name__ == '__main__':" block
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # base case and case_list exist as attributes ot.params and ot.case_list
    # run as parallel set of cases

    # NOTE for parallel runs case_info_files is a list, one for each case run
    # so to load track files use
    # tracks = load_output_files.load_track_data(case_info_files[n])
    #   where n is the case number 0,1,2...
helper: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
helper: Starting OceanTracker helper class
helper:   - Adding parallel case number # "0"
helper:   - Adding parallel case number # "1"
helper:   - Adding parallel case number # "2"
helper:   - Adding parallel case number # "3"
helper:   - Starting run using helper class
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
main:  OceanTracker version 2023-07-14 - preliminary setup
main:      Python version: 3.10.10 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Mar 24 2023, 20:00:38) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
main:   - found hydro-model files of type SCHISIM
main:       -  sorted hyrdo-model files in time order,        0.009 sec
main:     >>> Note: output is in dir= e:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputparallel_test2
main:     >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user  are in "parallel_test2_raw_user_params.json"
main:   -  oceantracker:multiProcessing: processors:4
main:   - parallel pool complete
main:     >>> Note: run summary with case file names   "parallel_test2_runInfo.json"
main:     >>> Note: output is in dir= e:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputparallel_test2
main:     >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user  are in "parallel_test2_raw_user_params.json"
main:     >>> Note: run summary with case file names   "parallel_test2_runInfo.json"
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
main: OceanTracker summary:  elapsed time =0:00:17.630557
main:       Cases -   0 errors,   0 warnings,   8 notes, check above
main:       Helper-   0 errors,   0 warnings,   0 notes, check above
main:       Main  -   0 errors,   0 warnings,   3 notes, check above
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Run parallel using param. dicts.

# oceantracker parallel demo, run different release groups as parallel processes
from oceantracker import main

# first build base case, params used for all cases
    'output_file_base' :'parallel_test1',      # name used as base for output files
    'root_output_dir':'output',             #  output is put in dir   'root_output_dir'/'output_file_base'
    'time_step' : 120,  #  2 min time step as seconds
    'reader':{'input_dir': '../demos/demo_hindcast',  # folder to search for hindcast files, sub-dirs will, by default, also be searched
                'file_mask': 'demoHindcastSchism*.nc',    # the file mask of the hindcast files

# define the required release  points
points = [  [1597682.1237, 5489972.7479],
            [1598604.1667, 5490275.5488],
            [1598886.4247, 5489464.0424],
            [1597917.3387, 5489000],

# build a list of params for each case, with one release group fot each point
for n,p in enumerate(points):
    case_param = main.param_template()
    # add one point as a release group to this case
    case_param['release_groups']['mypoint'+str(n)] = {  # better to give release group a unique name
                                            'points':[p],  # needs to be 1, by 2 list for single 2D point
                                            'release_interval': 3600,           # seconds between releasing particles
                                            'pulse_size': 10,                   # number of particles released each release_interval
    case_list.append(case_param)  # add this case to the list

# to run parallel in windows, must put run  call  inside the below "if __name__ == '__main__':" block
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # run as parallel set of cases
    #    by default uses one less than the number of physical processors at one time, use setting "processors"
    case_info_files= main.run_parallel(base_case, case_list)

    # NOTE for parallel runs case_info_files is a list, one for each case run
    # so to load track files use
    # tracks = load_output_files.load_track_data(case_info_files[n])
    #   where n is the case number 0,1,2...
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
main:  OceanTracker version 2023-07-14 - preliminary setup
main:      Python version: 3.10.10 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Mar 24 2023, 20:00:38) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
main:   - found hydro-model files of type SCHISIM
main:       -  sorted hyrdo-model files in time order,        0.007 sec
main:     >>> Note: output is in dir= e:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputparallel_test1
main:     >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user  are in "parallel_test1_raw_user_params.json"
main:   -  oceantracker:multiProcessing: processors:4
main:   - parallel pool complete
main:     >>> Note: run summary with case file names   "parallel_test1_runInfo.json"
main:     >>> Note: output is in dir= e:H_Local_driveParticleTrackingoceantrackertutorials_how_tooutputparallel_test1
main:     >>> Note: to help with debugging, parameters as given by user  are in "parallel_test1_raw_user_params.json"
main:     >>> Note: run summary with case file names   "parallel_test1_runInfo.json"
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
main: OceanTracker summary:  elapsed time =0:00:17.336455
main:       Cases -   0 errors,   0 warnings,   8 notes, check above
main:       Helper-   0 errors,   0 warnings,   0 notes, check above
main:       Main  -   0 errors,   0 warnings,   3 notes, check above
main: --------------------------------------------------------------------------